When I was studying in class 10 th , I asked my English teacher a very basic question about why two words in English sound the same but mean different. That time, we never had a separate subject on “phonetics” and I was quite unaware of this part of the English subject then. She smiled and very smartly told me that – “English is a ‘funny’ language” and went away! I was amused by her answer the whole time. Only later I learnt that in English there are so many words with a spelling, that are used “as per the context” to mean different than their similar sounding words with a different spelling. In quality assurance and in general in project management, many testers and project managers make the same mistake with a misunderstanding and confusing these 2 words – “Metrics” and “Matrix”. They use them interchangeably! Metrics in the quality management context means “to measure” (check its meaning here - https://www.dictionary.com/browse/metric) and … Matrix has different meanings based o...